VEX Scout

VEX Scout is a scouting app developed by VEX Robotics competitors for VEX Robotics competitors.

In robotics competitions, scouting is the process of learning about your opponents’ and allies’ strengths and weaknesses to create strategies for each match. As members of our high school robotics team, we noticed that most rookie teams do not know how to effectively scout. Most teams use Google forms and worksheets to assist them in scouting. However, these solutions can be ineffective, as competition day can get very busy and you may be too focused on the robot or the competition to do the analytics. Our team’s solution was to develop an app that can easily input and store data that teams can quickly access and analyze later.

For this project, I worked in a team of 6, where I was the lead UI/UX developer and I was also responsible for coding the user sign-up, login, and reset password pages. This project was made using Thunkable, which is block-based coding tool similar to Scratch. If I were to make improvements to the app, I would improve the UI by adding color so that it wasn’t so gray and improve the contrast. I would also add a “team search” feature to the roster page.

Working on this project taught me how to develop apps using the SCRUM methodology. I also learned how to conduct user research and how to test my product. One of the most valuable experiences I got out of this project was being able to pitch the app to a panel of community stakeholders which improved my presentation skills greatly.


These mockups were made using Marvel.

Fun Fact!: Our team was featured on Hawaii News Now.